Hello. I am a Director of Photography but ready to help where you need me. I can find and develop stories. I can assemble and lead a crew, join your crew or operate alone. I am based in Mt. Vernon, Washington but work has taken me to all seven continents. Please scroll down or click on the tabs at the top of this page to see more work.

  • The sensibilities that I bring to work and the way that I see and move through the world are reflected in this site. Putting in the effort to make the work better is important to me.

  • I love having the camera in my hands but visual success comes from so many possibilities. I have done enough producing and directing to know how critical these roles are to the success of images. I do enjoy the producers role mostly because i know how critical it is to the DP’s role and the success of any project. I would be thrilled to serve your project as DP but would also enjoy serving in the Producer/DP role.

  • Working as a still photographer taught me the importance of finding stories and building relationships. This education is something that I lean on everyday that I work. I think of it now as learning responsibility. The lessons of being involved in a project as director, producer and DP, which is the case in still work, remain my guiding light, even if I’m on a large crew. Understanding how all the pieces work make me better at the job or jobs I’m doing and I attribute this to my background in still photography.

Jamie Francis Timelapse Reel

Jamie Francis Cinematography Reel

Jamie Francis: Photography

Bee Keepers in a South Carolina forest